About Cherish Life
Cherish Life is one of the largest pro-life organisations in Australia.
Cherish Life Queensland was founded in 1970 (as Right to Life Queensland), to advocate for the right to life from conception until natural death.
Many Australians are unaware of the brutality of our laws surrounding abortion & euthenasia. We seek to educate as many as we can about what’s really going on.
Public Events
Our annual March for Life sees thousands of Queenslanders gather together as a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
We are a voice for the voiceless and we will continue to lobby all levels of government to protect our most vulnerable.
We engage with media to share our message and make sure an alternative view is hear on issues relating to life.
Community Engagement
We have 14 branches throughout Queensland, engaging with communities.
Political Campaigns
Cherish Life also campaigns at key elections for life. We do this to help keep pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia MPs and parties out of government, so to protect human life. We have no political alignment or affiliation, but we will target those who target life.
The organisation is managed by a committee of financial members elected at an AGM, and Dr Donna Purcell is the current president.