Cherish Life


What Is Happening?

On the 28 September, the Senate, led by Larissa Waters of the Greens Party, called for an inquiry into what they described as ‘universal access to reproductive healthcare’. This inquiry will be carried out by the Senate Community Affairs References Committee with a report due by the 31 March 2023. [i] The ultimate goal here is to remove any restrictions that there may be in accessing abortion across Australia.

Now don’t be fooled, within the terms of reference (areas where the committee will focus its investigation) when you read phrases such as ‘reproductive healthcare’ or ‘reproductive health’ or ‘termination of pregnancy’ – instead read abortion or more shockingly read the killing of innocent unborn children. Across Australia this will be the horrific effect of increased access to ‘reproductive healthcare’ – a reality that they want to keep hidden from you.

Why We Need Your Voice?

Why do we need your voice? Well just who will be paying for this increase in access? The abortion providers maybe? For example, Marie Stopes. No, YOU – the taxpayer.

The Senate Committee has called for submissions from the public asking for their input into the inquiry. Therefore, we appeal for you to send in a submission. This inquiry not only provides a unique opportunity to challenge those who are pushing this aggressive agenda, but also to advocate on behalf of organisations and individuals who are carrying out the invaluable work of offering alternatives to abortions such as pregnancy crisis centres and adoption agencies.

Writing A ‘Submission’.

Please don’t be daunted by the task of writing a submission. Essentially, think of it as a letter or email. The submission can be as extensive or as brief as you like.

Below we have identified areas in which to engage with the terms of reference. You may wish to include these areas in your submission also. Please know that individual letters no matter how big or small make a tremendous contribution. Once you have completed your entry, you may wish to circulate this email to others who could also send in a submission.

Areas To Engage With The Inquiry.

A. General Areas.

Below we have listed a couple of general areas regarding the terms of reference which you may wish to focus upon in your submission or letter.

I. Biased Terminology.

We wholeheartedly reject the choice of phrases used within the terms of reference. These phrases promote terminology that seeks to hide the true reality of what ‘reproductive healthcare’ actually involves. Throughout the nine terms there is not one mention of the word abortion. Instead that word has been carefully substituted for slogans such as ‘reproductive health’, ‘reproductive healthcare’ and ‘termination services’.

II. No Mention of Alternatives.

In addition to the choice of phrasing, we are also astonished that there is no mention of alternatives for women who may be seeking non-abortive pregnancy care or even support for women who are suffering from post-abortion trauma.

B. Specific Areas. 

Below we have identified a selection of areas specific to the points in the terms of reference in which you may wish to focus your submission or letter:

I. Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph states:

‘Barriers to achieving priorities under the National Women’s Health Strategy for ‘universal access to sexual and reproductive health information, treatment and services that offer options to women to empower choice …’

We strongly assert that unless the information provided includes the reality of what an abortion is, what an abortion destroys and the long term physical and mental effects of having an abortion, then removing these ‘barriers’ does not empower choice but in fact disempowers choice. The crafting of the terms of reference is silent on any alternatives being available. Therefore, without the full information available to them women will be left uninformed with regards to the range of choices they have available.

II. Term ‘b’.

Term b states:

‘Cost and accessibility of reproductive healthcare, including pregnancy care …’

With reference to the phrase ‘pregnancy care’ in point ‘b’ we urge the committee to include in the investigation the invaluable work that pregnancy crisis centres and adoption agencies are already undertaking across Australia. To omit their voice would truly be appalling.

Furthermore, if recommendations are made available to increase abortion access across Australia then again we would expect and request similar funding be made available for crisis pregnancy centres and adoption agencies.

III. Term ‘i’.

Term ‘i’ states:

‘Any other related matter.’

This is an area and opportunity for you to raise any other concerns you may have with regards to the inquiry.

Submission Details.

We do not have much time as submissions are due by close of business on Thursday, 15 December 2022.

Below are the two options available for making a submission:

  1. By email to
  2. Written submissions to:

Committee Secretary,

Senate Standing Committees On Community Affairs,

PO Box 6100,

Parliament House,

Canberra. ACT. 2600.

Again, please know that any individual letters, no matter how big or small make a tremendous contribution. Please remember that once you have completed your entry to circulate this email to others that could also send in a submission.

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to get in touch via email at

[i] Parliament Of Australia. “Universal access to reproductive healthcare.” Accessed 18 November 2022.

Yours in Life,

Matthew Cliff

Executive Officer.